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Fransızca-Türkçe Sözlük

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vegetarischadj vege'taːrɪʃ
r Vegetarismusnoun vegeta'rɪsmʊs
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Vegetarismus
e Vegetationnoun vegeta'tsioːn
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Vegetationen
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Vegetation
vegetierenv intrans v vege'tiːrən
vehementadj vehe'mɛnt
e Vehemenznoun vehe'mɛnts
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Vehemenz
s Vehikelnoun ve'hiːkəl
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Vehikel
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Vehikels
  1. pej
  2. chem ind
s Veilchennoun 'faɪlçən
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Veilchen
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Veilchens
  1. bot
  2. stand
r Veloursnoun ve'luːɐ
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Velours
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Velours
e Venenoun 'veːnə
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Venen
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Vene
  1. anat
Venedignoun ve'neːdɪç
venerischadj ve'neːrɪʃ
s Ventilnoun vɛn'tiːl
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Ventile
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Ventils
  1. techn
e Ventilationnoun vɛntila'tsioːn
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Ventilationen
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Ventilation
r Ventilatornoun vɛnti'laːtoːɐ
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Ventilatoren
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Ventilators
r Ventilgummi (s)noun
ventilierenv trans v vɛnti'liːrən
VentureCapital Fondsexp
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