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Török-Magyar szótár

Turkish-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Magyar-Török szótár
13 Words
14 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
matches in the
curdv trans v USA: kəː'd UK: kəːd
curd cheesenoun USA: kəː'd tʃiː'z UK: kəːd tʃiːz
curdednoun UK: kəːdɪd
curdlev trans v UK: kəːdl
curdlev intrans v UK: kəːdl
curds and wheyexp UK: kəːdz ənd weɪ
curdyadj UK: kəːdiː
curenoun USA: kyʊ'r UK: kjʊər
curev trans v USA: kyʊ'r UK: kjʊər
cure for nervesexp USA: kyʊ'r frəː· nəː'vz UK: kjʊər fəː nəːvz
curedadj USA: kyʊ'rd UK: kjʊəd
curfewnoun USA: kəː'fyuː· UK: kəːfjuː
curing (onions)exp USA: kyʊ'rɪ·ŋ ʌ'nyʌ·nz UK: kjʊərɪŋ ʌnɪənz
curionoun UK: kjʊəriːoʊ
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