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Turkish-Hungarian dictionary

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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-Turkish dictionary
3 Words
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Nicenoun proper name USA: niː's UK: niːs
    1. Sometimes he could be very nice.
        1. Néha nagyon kedves tud lenni.
    2. Two nicely matched steamers will stay in sight of each other day after day.
        1. A két, pontosan egyforma gőzös nap nap után egymás látókörében marad.
nice and sweetexp USA: niː's ʌ·nd swiː't UK: niːs ənd swiːt
nice and warmexp USA: niː's ʌ·nd wɔː'rm UK: niːs ənd wɔːm
nice distinctionnoun USA: niː's dɪ"stɪ'ŋkʃʌ·n UK: niːs dɪstɪŋkʃn
nice, fine, great, sg is of sy's likingexp
nice going!interj USA: niː's goʊ'ʌ·n UK: niːs goʊɪŋ
nice meeting youexp USA: niː's miː'tɪ·ŋ yuː' UK: niːs miːtɪŋ juː
nice messexp USA: niː's me's UK: niːs mes
nice to meet youexp USA: niː's tʌ· miː't yuː' UK: niːs tuː miːt juː
nice / - to meet you.exp USA: niː's tʌ· miː't yuː' UK: niːs tuː miːt juː
nice to see youexp USA: niː's tʌ· siː' yuː' UK: niːs tuː siː juː
nicelyadv USA: naɪ'sliː· UK: naɪsliː
nicely proportioned designexp USA: naɪ'sliː· prʌ·pɔː'rʃʌ·nd dʌ·zaɪ'n UK: naɪsliː prəpɔːʃnd dɪzaɪn
niceradj USA: naɪ'səː· UK: naɪsər
how niceexp USA: haʊ' niː's UK: haʊ niːs
be nice aboutadj USA: biː· niː's ʌ·baʊ't UK: biː niːs əbaʊt
be nice about sgv
a nice distinctionnoun USA: eɪ' niː's dɪ"stɪ'ŋkʃʌ·n UK: eɪ niːs dɪstɪŋkʃn
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