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Türkçe-İngilizce Sözlük

Turkish-English invite only and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: İngilizce-Türkçe Sözlük
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matches in the
botherationnoun UK: bɔðəreɪʃn
bothersomeadj USA: bɔ'ðəː·sʌ·m UK: bɔðəsəm
Botswananoun proper name USA: bɔ·tswɔ'nʌ· UK: bɔtswɑnə
bottlenoun USA: bɔ'tʌ·l UK: bɔtl
bottledadj USA: bɔ'tʌ·ld UK: bɔtld
bottlenecknoun USA: bɔ'tʌ·lne"k UK: bɔtlnek
bottleneckv intrans v USA: bɔ'tʌ·lne"k UK: bɔtlnek
bottleneckv trans v USA: bɔ'tʌ·lne"k UK: bɔtlnek
bottlernoun USA: bɔ'tləː· UK: bɔtələ
bottomnoun USA: bɔ'tʌ·m UK: bɔtəm
bottomv intrans v USA: bɔ'tʌ·m UK: bɔtəm
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