involvev trans v USA: ɪ"nvɔ'lv UK: ɪnvɔlv
    1. The job involves the following tasks and responsibilities:
        1. A munka a következő feladatokat foglalja magában:
    1. His job involves a lot of travelling.
        1. Munkája sok utazással jár.
    2. I think he has got involved in the robbery, the police has been looking for him for days.
        1. Lehet hogy belekeveredett a rablásba, a rendőrök már napok óta keresik.
involvementnoun USA: ɪ"nvɔ'lvmʌ·nt UK: ɪnvɔlvmənt
be involved inv USA: biː· ɪ"nvɔ'lvd ɪ'n UK: biː ɪnvɔlvd ɪn
get involved in sgv
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