arrivalnoun USA: əː·aɪ'vʌ·l UK: əraɪvl
arrival / on -exp USA: əː·aɪ'vʌ·l ɔ'n UK: əraɪvl ɔn
new arrivalsexp USA: nyuː' əː·aɪ'vʌ·lz UK: njuː əraɪvlz
airport of arrivalexp USA: e'rpɔː"rt ʌ·v əː·aɪ'vʌ·l UK: eəpɔːt ɔv əraɪvl
date of arrivalexp USA: deɪ't ʌ·v əː·aɪ'vʌ·l UK: deɪt ɔv əraɪvl
pending his arrivalexp USA: pe'ndɪ·ŋ hʌ·z əː·aɪ'vʌ·l UK: pendɪŋ hɪz əraɪvl
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