ahogy mondani szokásexp
    1. at the phrase goes
      USA: æ't ðiː· freɪ'z goʊ'z UK: ət ðiː freɪz goʊz
    1. as we say
      USA: e'z wiː' seɪ' UK: əz wiː seɪ
    1. as the saying is
      USA: e'z ðiː· seɪ'ɪ·ŋ ʌ·z UK: əz ðiː seɪɪŋ ɪz
    1. as the saying goes
      USA: e'z ðiː· seɪ'ɪ·ŋ goʊ'z UK: əz ðiː seɪɪŋ goʊz
    1. as the phrase goes
      USA: e'z ðiː· freɪ'z goʊ'z UK: əz ðiː freɪz goʊz
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