matches in the
piece of informationexp USA: piː's ʌ·v ɪ"nfɔː'rmeɪ'ʃʌ·n UK: piːs ɔv ɪnfəmeɪʃn
piece of junkexp USA: piː's ʌ·v ʤʌ'ŋk UK: piːs ɔv ʤʌŋk
piece of ordnancenoun USA: piː's ʌ·v ɔː'rdnʌ·ns UK: piːs ɔv ɔːdnəns
piece outv trans v USA: piː's aʊ't UK: piːs aʊt
piecemealadv USA: piː'smiː"l UK: piːsmiːl
pieceworknoun USA: piː'swəː"k UK: piːswəːk
piedadj USA: paɪ'd UK: paɪd
pieplantnoun UK: paɪplɑnt
piercev intrans v USA: pɪ'rs UK: pɪəs
pierce intov intrans v USA: pɪ'rs ɪ"ntʌ· UK: pɪəs ɪntuː
piercingadj USA: pɪ'rsɪ·ŋ UK: pɪəsɪŋ
piercinglyadv UK: pɪəsɪŋliː
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