matches in the
pertainv intrans v USA: pəː·teɪ'n UK: pəteɪn
pertain tov USA: pəː·teɪ'n tʌ· UK: pəteɪn tuː
pertinaciousadj UK: pəːtɪneɪʃəs
pertinacitynoun UK: pəːtɪnæsɪtiː
pertinentadj USA: pəː'tʌ·nʌ·nt UK: pəːtɪnənt
pertlyadv UK: pəːtliː
pertnessnoun UK: pəːtnəs
perturbv trans v USA: pəː·təː'b UK: pətəːb
perturbationnoun USA: pəː"təː·beɪ'ʃʌ·n UK: pəːtəbeɪʃn
perukenoun UK: pəruːk
perusalnoun USA: pəː·uː'zʌ·l UK: pəruːzl
perusev trans v USA: pəː·uː'z UK: pəruːz
Peruviannoun USA: pəː·uː'viː·ʌ·n UK: pərʊvɪən
pervadev trans v USA: pəː·veɪ'd UK: pəveɪd
    1. figurative
pervadev intrans v USA: pəː·veɪ'd UK: pəveɪd
pervadingadj USA: pəː·veɪ'dɪ·ŋ UK: pəveɪdɪŋ
pervasiveadj USA: pəː·veɪ'sɪ·v UK: pəveɪsɪv
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