matches in the
encirclementnoun USA: e·nsəː'kʌ·lmʌ·nt UK: ɪnsəːklmənt
encirclingnoun USA: e·nsəː'klɪ·ŋ UK: ɪnsəːklɪŋ
enclavenoun USA: e'nkleɪ"v UK: enkleɪv
encliticnoun UK: ɪnklɪtɪk
enclosev trans v USA: e·nkloʊ'z UK: ɪnkloʊz
enclosedadj USA: ʌ·nkloʊ'zd UK: ɪnkloʊzd
enclosed hereinexp USA: ʌ·nkloʊ'zd hɪ·rɪ'n UK: ɪnkloʊzd hɪərɪn
enclosingadj USA: ʌ·nkloʊ'zɪ·ŋ UK: ɪnkloʊzɪŋ
encodev trans v USA: e·nkoʊ'd UK: ɪnkoʊd
encodedadj USA: e·nkoʊ'dʌ·d UK: ɪnkoʊdɪd
encodingnoun USA: e·nkoʊ'dɪ·ŋ UK: ɪnkoʊdɪŋ
encomiastnoun UK: enkoʊmɪæst
encomium, encomianoun
encorenoun USA: ɔ'nkɔː"r UK: ɔŋkɔːr
encore!interj USA: ɔ'nkɔː"r UK: ɔŋkɔːr
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