matches in the
iconnoun USA: aɪ'kɔ·n UK: aɪkɔn
icosahedraladj UK: aɪkəsəhedrəl
icosahedronnoun UK: aɪkəsəhedrən
icyadj USA: aɪ'siː· UK: aɪsiː
i'd die firstexp USA: aɪ'diː' daɪ' fəː'st UK: ɪd daɪiː fəːst
i'd die first!exp USA: aɪ'diː' daɪ' fəː'st UK: ɪd daɪiː fəːst
idenoun USA: aɪ'd
idealnoun USA: aɪ·diː'l UK: aɪdɪəl
idealadj USA: aɪ·diː'l UK: aɪdɪəl
idealismnoun USA: aɪ·diː'lɪ"zʌ·m UK: aɪdɪəlɪzəm
idealistnoun USA: aɪ·diː'lʌ·st UK: aɪdɪəlɪst
idealisticadj USA: aɪ·diː"ʌ·lɪ'stɪ·k UK: aɪdɪəlɪstɪk
idealizationnoun UK: aɪdɪəlaɪzeɪʃn
idealizev USA: aɪ·diː'laɪ"z UK: aɪdɪəlaɪz
ideallyadv USA: aɪ·diː'liː· UK: aɪdɪəliː
identicaladj USA: aɪ·de'nɪ·kʌ·l UK: aɪdentɪkl
identificationnoun USA: aɪ·de"nʌ·fʌ·keɪ'ʃʌ·n UK: aɪdentɪfɪkeɪʃn
identification diskexp USA: aɪ·de"nʌ·fʌ·keɪ'ʃʌ·n dɪ'sk UK: aɪdentɪfɪkeɪʃn dɪsk
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