matches in the
Icelandnoun proper name USA: aɪ'slʌ·nd UK: aɪslənd
Icelandicnoun USA: aɪ·slæ'ndɪ·k UK: aɪsləndɪk
ice-packnoun UK: aɪspæk
icepicknoun UK: aɪspɪk
icerinknoun UK: aɪsrɪŋk
ice-rinknoun UK: aɪsrɪŋk
ice-skatingnoun USA: aɪ'skeɪ"tɪ·ŋ UK: aɪsskeɪtɪŋ
ichthyologynoun UK: ɪkθɪɔləʤiː
ichthyophaginoun noun
ichthyosaurusnoun UK: ɪkθɪəsɔːrəs
iciclenoun USA: aɪ'sɪ·kʌ·l UK: aɪsɪkl
icilyadv USA: aɪ'sʌ·liː· UK: aɪsɪliː
icingnoun USA: aɪ'sɪ·ŋ UK: aɪsɪŋ
icing 1.exp
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