matches in the
there was quite a good turnoutexp USA: ðe'r wʌ·z kwaɪ't eɪ' gʌ·d təː'naʊ"t UK: ðeər wɔz kwaɪt eɪ gʊd təːnaʊt
there you are!exp USA: ðe'r yuː' əː· UK: ðeər juː ɑr
there you areexp USA: ðe'r yuː' əː· UK: ðeər juː ɑr
there you are mistakeexp USA: ðe'r yuː' əː· mɪ"steɪ'k UK: ðeər juː ɑr mɪsteɪk
there you are mistakenexp USA: ðe'r yuː' əː· mɪ"steɪ'kʌ·n UK: ðeər juː ɑr mɪsteɪkn
there you have me!exp USA: ðe'r yuː' hæ'v miː' UK: ðeər juː hæv miː
there you have meexp USA: ðe'r yuː' hæ'v miː' UK: ðeər juː hæv miː
thereaboutadv UK: ðeərəbaʊt
thereaboutsadv USA: ðe"rʌ·baʊ'ts UK: ðeərəbaʊts
thereafteradv USA: ðe·ræ'ftəː· UK: ðeərɑftər
thereatadv UK: ðeəræt
therebyadv USA: ðe'rbaɪ' UK: ðeəbaɪ
thereforeadv USA: ðe'rfɔː"r UK: ðeəfɔːr
    1. I was on holiday therefore I couldn't go to the party.
        1. Nyaraltam, ezért nem tudtam elmenni a buliba.
    2. This man loves me; but I am married: therefore I must not love him.
        1. Ez az ember szeret, de férjes nő vagyok; tehát nem szabad őt szeretnem.
therefromadv UK: ðeəfrɔm
thereinadv USA: ðe·rɪ'n UK: ðeərɪn
thereinafteradv UK: ðeərɪnɑftər
thereofadv USA: θe"rʌ'v UK: ðeərɔv
thereonadv UK: ðeərɔn
there'sadv UK: ðeəz
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