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Polish-Hungarian dictionary

Polish-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-Polish dictionary
17057 Words
20184 Translations
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matches in the
bannernoun USA: bæ'nəː· UK: bænər
bannocknoun UK: bænək
bannsnoun noun UK: bænz
banquetnoun USA: bæ'ŋkwʌ·t UK: bæŋkwɪt
banquetv intrans v USA: bæ'ŋkwʌ·t UK: bæŋkwɪt
banquetv trans v USA: bæ'ŋkwʌ·t UK: bæŋkwɪt
banquettenoun UK: bæŋket
bansheenoun USA: bæ'nʃiː· UK: bænʃiː
bantamsnoun USA: bæ'ntʌ·mz UK: bæntəmz
bantamweightnoun UK: bæntəmweɪt
bantam-weightnoun UK: bæntəmweɪt
banternoun USA: bæ'ntəː· UK: bæntər
banterv trans v USA: bæ'ntəː· UK: bæntər
banteringnoun USA: bæ'ntəː·ɪ·ŋ UK: bæntərɪŋ
Bantunoun USA: bæ'ntuː· UK: bæntuː
banyannoun USA: bæ'nyʌ·n UK: bænjən
baobabnoun UK: beɪəbæb
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