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Polish-Hungarian dictionary

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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-Polish dictionary
17057 Words
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matches in the
cause the current to flowv USA: kɔ'z ðiː· kɔ'rʌ·nt tʌ· floʊ' UK: kɔːz ðiː kʌrənt tuː floʊ
file is currently being printedexp USA: faɪ'l ʌ·z kəː'ʌ·ntliː· biː'ɪ·ŋ prɪ'nʌ·d UK: faɪl ɪz kʌrəntliː biːɪŋ prɪntɪd
call down curses to syv USA: kɔː'l daʊ'n kəː'sʌ·z tʌ· saɪ'
behind the curtainexp USA: bʌ·haɪ'nd ðiː· kəː'tʌ·n UK: bɪhaɪnd ðiː kəːtn
draw the curtainexp USA: drɔː' ðiː· kəː'tʌ·n UK: drɔː ðiː kəːtn
see through curtainnoun USA: siː' θruː' kəː'tʌ·n UK: siː θruː kəːtn
draw a curtain over sgv
it is curtains for meexp USA: ʌ·t ʌ·z kəː'tʌ·nz frəː· miː' UK: ɪt ɪz kəːtnz fəː miː
radius of curvatureexp USA: reɪ'diː·ʌ·s ʌ·v kəː'vʌ·tʃəː· UK: reɪdɪəs ɔv kəːvətʃər
steepness of curveexp USA: stiː'pnʌ·s ʌ·v kəː'v UK: stiːpnəs ɔv kəːv
array of curvesexp USA: əː·eɪ' ʌ·v kəː'vz UK: əreɪ ɔv kəːvz
black sage (Cordia curassavica, Boraginaceae)exp
just out of curiosity, ...exp USA: ʤʌ·st aʊ't ʌ·v kyʊ"riː·ɔ'sʌ·tiː· UK: ʤʌst aʊt ɔv kjʊərɪɔsɪtiː
drift with the currentexp USA: drɪ'ft wʌ·ð ðiː· kɔ'rʌ·nt UK: drɪft wɪð ðiː kʌrənt
passage of the currentexp USA: pæ'sʌ·ʤ ʌ·v ðiː· kɔ'rʌ·nt UK: pæsɪʤ ɔv ðiː kʌrənt
rise of the curtainexp USA: raɪ'z ʌ·v ðiː· kəː'tʌ·n UK: raɪz ɔv ðiː kəːtn
rise of a curveexp USA: raɪ'z ʌ·v eɪ' kəː'v UK: raɪz ɔv eɪ kəːv
steepness of a curveexp USA: stiː'pnʌ·s ʌ·v eɪ' kəː'v UK: stiːpnəs ɔv eɪ kəːv
puff pastry filled with curdexp USA: pʌ'f peɪ'striː· fɪ'ld wʌ·ð kəː'd UK: pʌf peɪstriː fɪld wɪð kəːd
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