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Lithuanian-Hungarian Dictionary of Catholic Terms

Lithuanian-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: fobq
18 Words
19 Translations
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dull dogexp USA: dʌ'l dɔː'g UK: dʌl dɔg
dull knifeexp USA: dʌ'l naɪ'f UK: dʌl naɪf
dull marketexp USA: dʌ'l mɔ'rkʌ·t UK: dʌl mɑkɪt
dull of hearingexp USA: dʌ'l ʌ·v hɪ'rɪ·ŋ UK: dʌl ɔv hɪərɪŋ
dull seasonexp USA: dʌ'l siː'zʌ·n UK: dʌl siːzn
dullardnoun UK: dʌləd
dullnessnoun USA: dʌ'lnʌ·s UK: dʌlnəs
dumanoun USA: duː'mʌ·
dumbadj USA: dʌ'm UK: dʌm
dumb animalsnoun noun USA: dʌ'm æ'nʌ·mʌ·lz UK: dʌm ænɪməlz
dumb as a fishadj USA: dʌ'm e'z eɪ' fɪ'ʃ UK: dʌm əz eɪ fɪʃ
dumb dogexp USA: dʌ'm dɔː'g UK: dʌm dɔg
dumb showexp USA: dʌ'm ʃoʊ' UK: dʌm ʃoʊ
dumbbellnoun USA: dʌ'mbe"l UK: dʌmbel
dumb-bellnoun USA: dʌ'mbe"l UK: dʌmbel
dumbfoundv trans v USA: dʌ'mfaʊ·nd UK: dʌmfaʊnd
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