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Lithuanian-Hungarian Dictionary of Catholic Terms

Lithuanian-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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18 Words
19 Translations
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matches in the
the dead spit his fatherexp USA: ðiː· de'd spɪ't hʌ·z fɔ'ðəː· UK: ðiː ded spɪt hɪz fɑðər
the deceaseexp USA: ðiː· dʌ·siː's UK: ðiː dɪsiːs
the departedexp USA: ðiː· dʌ·pɔ'rtʌ·d UK: ðiː dɪpɑtɪd
the deadnoun USA: ðiː· de'd UK: ðiː ded
the dregsv USA: ðiː· dre'gz UK: ðiː dregz
the common decenciesexp UK: ðiː kɔmən diːsnsɪz
the day beforeexp USA: ðiː· deɪ' biː"fɔː'r UK: ðiː deɪ bɪfɔːr
the day is doneexp USA: ðiː· deɪ' ʌ·z dʌ'n UK: ðiː deɪ ɪz dʌn
the day of doomexp USA: ðiː· deɪ' ʌ·v duː'm UK: ðiː deɪ ɔv duːm
the days are drawing inexp USA: ðiː· deɪ'z əː· drɔː'ɪ·ŋ ɪ'n UK: ðiː deɪz ɑr drɔːɪŋ ɪn
don't talk of the devilexp
dog in the mangernoun USA: dɔː'g ɪ'n ðiː· meɪ'nʤəː· UK: dɔg ɪn ðiː meɪnʤər
double the numberexp USA: dʌ'bʌ·l ðiː· nʌ'mbəː· UK: dʌbl ðiː nʌmbər
double the legsexp USA: dʌ'bʌ·l ðiː· le'gz UK: dʌbl ðiː legz
down at the heeladj USA: daʊ'n æ't ðiː· hiː'l UK: daʊn ət ðiː hiːl
Dopey (one of the seven dwarfs)exp USA: doʊ'piː· hwʌ'n ʌ·v ðiː· se'vʌ·n dwɔː'rfs UK: doʊpiː wʌn ɔv ðiː sevn dwɔːfs
down the riverexp USA: daʊ'n ðiː· rɪ'vəː· UK: daʊn ðiː rɪvər
down the lineexp USA: daʊ'n ðiː· laɪ'n UK: daʊn ðiː laɪn
down in the countryexp USA: daʊ'n ɪ'n ðiː· kʌ'ntriː· UK: daʊn ɪn ðiː kʌntriː
down in the mouthadj USA: daʊ'n ɪ'n ðiː· maʊ'θ UK: daʊn ɪn ðiː maʊθ
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