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Italian-Hungarian dictionary

Italian-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-Italian dictionary
96538 Words
279033 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
matches in the
    1. képregényekben óh!
sobbarcareamivel: a undef
sobbarcare a nuove rinunceundef
sobbarcarsiamire: a undef
sobbarcarsi a sacrificiundef
sobbarcarsi la responsabilità della decisioneundef
  1. vernac
  2. vernac
  3. vernac
sobbillareaki/ami ellen: contro undef
  1. vernac
sobborgotsz: -ghi undef
  1. vernac Tuscan
  2. vernac Tuscan
  3. vernac Tuscan
  4. vernac Tuscan
  5. vernac Tuscan
  6. figurative vernac Tuscan
sobillamentoaki/ami ellen: contro undef
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