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Hungarian-Polish dictionary

Hungarian-Polish open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Polish-Hungarian dictionary
14541 Words
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mean , meant , meant 2.exp
meanderv intrans v USA: miː·æ'ndəː· UK: mɪændər
meanderingnoun USA: miː·æ'ndəː·ɪ·ŋ UK: mɪændərɪŋ
meanderingadj USA: miː·æ'ndəː·ɪ·ŋ UK: mɪændərɪŋ
meaningnoun USA: miː'nɪ·ŋ UK: miːnɪŋ
meaningfuladj USA: miː'nɪ·ŋfʌ·l UK: miːnɪŋfəl
meaninglessnoun USA: miː'nɪ·ŋlʌ·s UK: miːnɪŋləs
meaninglessnessnoun UK: miːnɪŋləsnəs
meaninglyadv UK: miːnɪŋliː
meannessnoun USA: miː'nnʌ·s UK: miːnnəs
meannessnoun USA: miː'nnʌ·s UK: miːnnəs
meansnoun USA: miː'nz UK: miːnz
meansv USA: miː'nz UK: miːnz
meantv USA: me'nt UK: ment
meant for effectexp USA: me'nt frəː· iː'fe·kt UK: ment fəː ɪfekt
meantimeadv USA: miː'ntaɪ"m UK: miːntaɪm
meanwhileadv USA: miː'nwaɪ"l UK: miːnwaɪl
measlesnoun noun USA: miː'zʌ·lz UK: miːzlz
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