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Hungarian-Polish dictionary

Hungarian-Polish open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Polish-Hungarian dictionary
14541 Words
20184 Translations
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matches in the
    1. teaspoonful
      UK: tiːspuːnfʊl
    1. cabaret
      USA: kæ"bəː·eɪ' UK: kæbəreɪ
teát forrázexp
    1. draw the tea
      USA: drɔː' ðiː· tiː' UK: drɔː ðiː tiː
    1. rare scenical
      UK: siːnɪkəl
    1. tea / have -
      USA: tiː' hæ'v UK: tiː hæv
    1. take a cup of tea
      USA: teɪ'k eɪ' kʌ'p ʌ·v tiː' UK: teɪk eɪ kʌp ɔv tiː
    1. have tea
      USA: hæ'v tiː' UK: hæv tiː
    1. have a cup of tea
      USA: hæ'v eɪ' kʌ'p ʌ·v tiː' UK: hæv eɪ kʌp ɔv tiː
    1. take tea
      USA: teɪ'k tiː' UK: teɪk tiː
    1. have tea
      USA: hæ'v tiː' UK: hæv tiː
    1. tea-shop
      UK: tiːʃɔp
    1. tea-room
      UK: tiːruːm
gyí te!interj
mondod teexp
    1. so you say
      USA: soʊ' yuː' seɪ' UK: soʊ juː seɪ
a te hibád!exp
    1. the fault lies with you!
      USA: ðiː· fɔː'lt laɪ'z wʌ·ð yuː' UK: ðiː fɔːlt laɪz wɪð juː
    1. it lies with you!
      USA: ʌ·t laɪ'z wʌ·ð yuː' UK: ɪt laɪz wɪð juː
előbb te jösszexp
    1. you go first
      USA: yuː' goʊ' fəː'st UK: juː goʊ fəːst
ha te nem mégyexp
még te sem?exp
    1. even / not - you?
      USA: iː'vʌ·n nɔ't yuː' UK: iːvn nɔt juː
na te szegény!exp
    1. poor you!
      USA: pʊ'r yuː' UK: pʊər juː
filteres teaexp
    1. tea bag
      USA: tiː' bæ'g UK: tiː bæg
gyógynövény teaexp
    1. infusion of herbs
      USA: ɪ"nfyuː'ʒʌ·n ʌ·v əː'bz UK: ɪnfjuːʒn ɔv həːbz
ötórai teanoun
    1. plain tea
      USA: pleɪ'n tiː' UK: pleɪn tiː
    1. afternoon tea
      USA: æ"ftəː·nuː'n tiː' UK: ɑftənuːn tiː
paraguayi teanoun
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