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Hungarian-Italian dictionary

Hungarian-Italian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Italian-Hungarian dictionary
147003 Words
279033 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
matches in the
Abb. (Abbildung)exp
r Abbaunoun
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Abbauten
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Abbaus
  3. Abbaues
  1. hist agr
r Abbaunoun
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Abbaue
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Abbaus
  3. Abbaues
r Abbaunoun
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Abbaue
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Abbaus
  3. Abbaues
  1. mining
abbauenv intrans v
  1. mil techn
  2. figurative stand sports
  3. agr
abberufenv trans v
abbestellenv trans v
abbezahlenv trans v
abbiegenv trans v
abbiegenv intrans v
s Abbildnoun
e Abbildungnoun
abbindenv intrans v
abbindenv trans v
  1. building arch
  2. naut
  3. kötőanyag chem ind
  4. borjút agr
  5. hunting
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