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Hungarian-German extra dictionary

Hungarian-German open and publicly listed dictionary
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secedernoun UK: sɪsiːdə
secedingnoun USA: sʌ·siː'dɪ·ŋ UK: sɪsiːdɪŋ
secedingadj USA: sʌ·siː'dɪ·ŋ UK: sɪsiːdɪŋ
secessionnoun USA: sʌ·se'ʃʌ·n UK: sɪseʃn
secessionistnoun USA: sʌ·se'ʃʌ·nʌ·st UK: sɪseʃənɪst
secludev trans v USA: sɪ·kluː'd UK: sɪkluːd
seclude oneselfexp USA: sɪ·kluː'd wʌ"nse'lf UK: sɪkluːd wʌnself
secludedadj USA: sɪ·kluː'dʌ·d UK: sɪkluːdɪd
seclusion roomadj USA: sɪ·kluː'ʒʌ·n ruː'm UK: sɪkluːʒn ruːm
second bestnoun USA: se'kʌ·n be'st UK: sɪkɔnd best
second bestadj USA: se'kʌ·n be'st UK: sɪkɔnd best
second classadj USA: se'kʌ·n klæ's UK: sɪkɔnd klɑs
second cousinexp USA: se'kʌ·n kʌ'zʌ·n UK: sɪkɔnd kʌzn
second cropexp USA: se'kʌ·n krɔ'p UK: sɪkɔnd krɔp
second floorexp USA: se'kʌ·n flɔː'r UK: sɪkɔnd flɔːr
second handexp USA: se'kʌ·n hæ'nd UK: sɪkɔnd hænd
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