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Hungarian-French extra dictionary

Hungarian-French open and publicly listed dictionary
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34245 Words
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matches in the
pearlnoun USA: pəː'l UK: pəːl
  1. figurative
pearlv trans v USA: pəː'l UK: pəːl
pearlv intrans v USA: pəː'l UK: pəːl
pearl barleyexp USA: pəː'l bɔ'rliː· UK: pəːl bɑliː
pearl necklaceexp USA: pəː'l ne'klʌ·s UK: pəːl nekləs
pearl onionexp USA: pəː'l ʌ'nyʌ·n UK: pəːl ʌnɪən
pearlynoun USA: pəː'liː· UK: pəːliː
pearlyadj USA: pəː'liː· UK: pəːliː
pearly whiteexp USA: pəː'liː· hwaɪ't UK: pəːliː waɪt
pearly whiteadj USA: pəː'liː· hwaɪ't UK: pəːliː waɪt
pea(s)noun USA: piː'z UK: piːz
peasnoun USA: piː'z UK: piːz
peas for processingexp USA: piː'z frəː· prɔ'se·sɪ·ŋ UK: piːz fəː proʊsesɪŋ
peasantnoun USA: pe'zʌ·nt UK: pesnt
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