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Hungarian-French extra dictionary

Hungarian-French open and publicly listed dictionary
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34245 Words
44057 Translations
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seek / hide and -exp USA: siː'k haɪ'd ʌ·nd UK: siːk haɪd ənd
seek outv trans v USA: siː'k aʊ't UK: siːk aʊt
seek, soughtv trans v USA: siː'k sɔː't UK: siːk sɔːt
seek the lifeexp USA: siː'k ðiː· laɪ'f UK: siːk ðiː laɪf
seeker systemnoun USA: siː'kəː· sɪ'stʌ·m UK: siːkər sɪstəm
seemingadj USA: siː'mɪ·ŋ UK: siːmɪŋ
seeminglyadv USA: siː'mɪ·ŋliː· UK: siːmɪŋliː
seemlinessnoun UK: siːmlɪnəs
seemsexp USA: siː'mz UK: siːmz
seenv USA: siː'n UK: siːn
seen from withoutexp USA: siː'n fəː·m wɪ"ðaʊ't UK: siːn frɔm wɪðaʊt
seepv intrans v USA: siː'p UK: siːp
seepagenoun USA: siː'pɪ·ʤ UK: siːpɪʤ
seernoun USA: siː'r UK: sɪər
seesv USA: siː'z UK: siːz
see-sawnoun USA: siː'sɔː" UK: siːsɔː
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