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Hungarian-French extra dictionary

Hungarian-French open and publicly listed dictionary
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34245 Words
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preternaturaladj UK: priːtənætʃrəl
pretestnoun UK: prɪtest
pretextnoun USA: priː'te"kst UK: priːtekst
pretextv trans v USA: priː'te"kst UK: priːtekst
pretorialadj UK: prɪtɔːrɪəl
pretoriannoun UK: prɪtɔːrɪən
pretorianadj UK: prɪtɔːrɪən
pretreatv trans v UK: prɪtriːt
pretreatedadj UK: prɪtriːtɪd
pretreatmentnoun UK: prɪtriːtmənt
prettifyv trans v UK: prɪtɪfaɪ
prettilyadv UK: prɪtɪliː
prettyadj USA: prɪ'tiː· UK: prɪtiː
prettyadv USA: prɪ'tiː· UK: prɪtiː
pretty muchexp USA: prɪ'tiː· mʌ'tʃ UK: prɪtiː mʌtʃ
pretty nearexp USA: prɪ'tiː· nɪ'r UK: prɪtiː nɪər
pretty pennyexp USA: prɪ'tiː· pe'niː· UK: prɪtiː peniː
pretty / prettier / -iestexp
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