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Hungarian-English dictionary

Hungarian-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: English-Hungarian dictionary
112503 Words
208930 Translations
4982 Examples
345 Expressions
matches in the
bafflingadj USA: bæ'flɪ·ŋ UK: bæflɪŋ
bagv intrans v USA: bæ'g UK: bæg
bag and baggageexp USA: bæ'g ʌ·nd bæ'gʌ·ʤ UK: bæg ənd bægɪʤ
bagatellenoun UK: bægətel
bagelnoun USA: beɪ'gʌ·l
baggagenoun USA: bæ'gʌ·ʤ UK: bægɪʤ
baggernoun UK: bægə
baggingnoun USA: bæ'gɪ·ŋ UK: bægɪŋ
baggyadj USA: bæ'giː· UK: bægiː
bagpipeadj USA: bæ'gpaɪ"p UK: bægpaɪp
bagpipernoun USA: bæ'gpaɪ"pəː· UK: bægpaɪpə
bagsnoun USA: bæ'gz UK: bægz
Bahamasnoun USA: bʌ·hɔ'mʌ·z UK: bəhɑməz
Bahamiannoun USA: bʌ·heɪ'miː·ʌ·n UK: bəhɑmɪən
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