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Hungarian-English dictionary

Hungarian-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: English-Hungarian dictionary
112503 Words
208930 Translations
4982 Examples
345 Expressions
matches in the
backedadj USA: bæ'kt UK: bækt
back-endnoun UK: bækend
backernoun USA: bæ'kəː· UK: bækər
back-fieldnoun USA: bæ'kfiː"ld UK: bækfiːld
back-firenoun USA: bæ'kfaɪ"r UK: bækfaɪər
backfirev intrans v USA: bæ'kfaɪ"r UK: bækfaɪər
backgammonnoun USA: bæ'kgæ"mʌ·n UK: bækgæmən
backgroundnoun USA: bæ'kgraʊ"nd UK: bækgraʊnd
  1. figurative
backhandnoun USA: bæ'khæ"nd UK: bækhænd
back-handnoun USA: bæ'khæ"nd UK: bækhænd
back-handedadj USA: bæ'khæ"ndʌ·d UK: bækhændɪd
backhoenoun USA: bæ'khoʊ" UK: bækhoʊ
backingnoun USA: bæ'kɪ·ŋ UK: bækɪŋ
backlashnoun USA: bæ'klæ"ʃ UK: bæklæʃ
backlightnoun USA: bæ'klaɪ"t UK: bæklaɪt
backlightv trans v USA: bæ'klaɪ"t UK: bæklaɪt
backmostadj UK: bækmoʊst
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