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Hungarian-English dictionary

Hungarian-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: English-Hungarian dictionary
112503 Words
208930 Translations
4982 Examples
345 Expressions
matches in the
undecidedadj USA: ʌ"ndʌ·saɪ'dʌ·d UK: ʌndɪsaɪdɪd
undecipherableadj UK: ʌndɪsaɪfərəbl
undeclaredadj USA: ʌ·ndʌ·kle'rd UK: ʌndɪkleəd
undefeatedadj USA: ʌ"ndʌ·fiː'tʌ·d UK: ʌndɪfiːtɪd
undefendedadj UK: ʌndɪfendɪd
undefiledadj UK: ʌndɪfaɪld
undefinedadj USA: ʌ"ndʌ·faɪ'nd UK: ʌndɪfaɪnd
undeletev trans v UK: ʌndɪliːt
undeliveredadj USA: ʌ"ndʌ·lɪ'vəː·d UK: ʌndɪlɪvəd
undemandingadj UK: ʌndɪmɑndɪŋ
undemonstrativeadj UK: ʌndɪmɔnstrətɪv
undeniableadj USA: ʌ"ndʌ·naɪ'ʌ·bʌ·l UK: ʌndɪnaɪəbl
undeniablyadv USA: ʌ"ndʌ·naɪ'ʌ·bliː· UK: ʌndɪnaɪəbliː
undependableadj UK: ʌndɪpendəbl
fanny [UK]noun
duodenal ulcerexp USA: duː·ɔ'dʌ·nʌ·l ʌ'lsəː· UK: djuːədiːnl ʌlsər
gastric ulcerexp USA: gæ'strɪ·k ʌ'lsəː· UK: gæstrɪk ʌlsər
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