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Hungarian-Chinese dictionary

Hungarian-Chinese open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Chinese-Hungarian dictionary
14726 Words
33182 Translations
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matches in the
secondsnoun USA: se'kʌ·nz UK: sɪkɔndz
secondsexp USA: se'kʌ·nz UK: sɪkɔndz
secrecynoun USA: siː'krʌ·siː· UK: siːkrəsiː
secretnoun USA: siː'krʌ·t UK: siːkrɪt
    1. Dead secret.
        1. Hétpecsétes titok.
secretadj USA: siː'krʌ·t UK: siːkrɪt
secret agentexp USA: siː'krʌ·t eɪ'ʤʌ·nt UK: siːkrɪt eɪʤənt
secretarialadj USA: se"krʌ·te'riː·ʌ·l UK: sekrəteərɪəl
secretariatnoun USA: se"krʌ·te'riː·ʌ·t UK: sekrəteərɪət
secretarynoun USA: se'krʌ·te"riː· UK: sekrətriː
secretaryshipnoun UK: sekrətrɪʃɪp
secretev trans v USA: sɪ·kriː't UK: sɪkriːt
secretionnoun USA: sʌ·kriː'ʃʌ·n UK: sɪkriːʃn
secretiveadj USA: siː'krʌ·tɪ·v UK: siːkrətɪv
secretlyadv USA: siː'krʌ·tliː· UK: siːkrɪtliː
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