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Hungarian-Turkish dictionary

Hungarian-Turkish moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Turkish-Hungarian dictionary
3 Words
3 Translations
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0 Expressions
matches in the
incensev trans v USA: ɪ'nse"ns UK: ɪnsens
incentivenoun USA: ɪ"nse'nɪ·v UK: ɪnsentɪv
    1. Chance of promotion is a strong incentive for him to work hard.
        1. Az előléptetés lehetősége erős ösztönzés számára, hogy keményen dolgozzon.
incentiveadj USA: ɪ"nse'nɪ·v UK: ɪnsentɪv
incentivesnoun USA: ɪ"nsɪ'nɪ·vz UK: ɪnsentɪvz
inceptv intrans v UK: ɪnsept
inceptv trans v UK: ɪnsept
inceptionnoun USA: ɪ"nse'pʃʌ·n UK: ɪnsepʃn
  1. biol
    1. Since its inception in 1968, the company has been at the forefront of computer development.
        1. 1968-as megalakulása óta a cég a számítógépes fejlesztés élvonalában halad.
inceptivenoun UK: ɪnseptɪv
inceptiveadj UK: ɪnseptɪv
incessantadj USA: ɪ"nse'sʌ·nt UK: ɪnsesnt
incessantlyadv USA: ɪ"nse'sʌ·ntliː· UK: ɪnsesntliː
incestnoun USA: ɪ'nse"st UK: ɪnsest
incestuousadj USA: ɪ"nse'stʃwʌ·s UK: ɪnsestjʊəs
inchnoun USA: ɪ'ntʃ UK: ɪntʃ
inch by inchadv USA: ɪ'ntʃ baɪ' ɪ'ntʃ UK: ɪntʃ baɪ ɪntʃ
inchoatev trans v UK: ɪnkoʊɪt
inchoate crimesexp UK: ɪnkoʊɪt kraɪmz
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