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Hungarian-German open and publicly listed dictionary
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fructiferousadj UK: frʌktɪfərəs
fructificationnoun UK: frʌktɪfɪkeɪʃn
fructifyv trans v UK: frʌktɪfaɪ
frugalitynoun USA: fruː·gæ'lʌ·tiː· UK: fruːgælɪtiː
frugallyadv USA: fruː'gʌ·liː· UK: fruːgəliː
fruitnoun USA: fruː't UK: fruːt
fruitv intrans v USA: fruː't UK: fruːt
    1. Forbidden fruit is sweet.
        1. Tiltott gyümölcs édesebb.
fruit basketnoun USA: fruː't bæ'skʌ·t UK: fruːt bɑskɪt
fruit batnoun USA: fruː't bæ't UK: fruːt bæt
fruit crackingexp USA: fruː't kræ'kɪ·ŋ UK: fruːt krækɪŋ
fruit-cakenoun USA: fruː'tkeɪ"k UK: fruːtkeɪk
fruitcakenoun USA: fruː'tkeɪ"k UK: fruːtkeɪk
fruiterernoun UK: fruːtərər
fruitfuladj USA: fruː'tfʌ·l UK: fruːtfəl
fruitfulnessnoun UK: fruːtfəlnəs
fruitingv USA: fruː'tɪ·ŋ UK: fruːtɪŋ
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