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Hungarian-English invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: szegedi88
Reverse dictionary: test-szotar-a-m
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matches in the
ducksnoun USA: dʌ'ks UK: dʌks
duck's-ass haircutexp
duckwalkv intrans v
duckweednoun USA: dʌ'kwiː"d UK: dʌkwiːd
ductnoun USA: dʌ'kt UK: dʌkt
ductv trans v USA: dʌ'kt UK: dʌkt
ductilitynoun USA: dʌ·ktɪ'lʌ·tiː· UK: dʌktɪlɪtiː
ductingnoun UK: dʌktɪŋ
dud chequenoun UK: dʌd tʃek
dud notenoun USA: dʌ'd noʊ't UK: dʌd noʊt
dud shellexp USA: dʌ'd ʃe'l UK: dʌd ʃel
dud speculationexp USA: dʌ'd spe"kyʌ·leɪ'ʃʌ·n UK: dʌd spekjʊleɪʃn
dud stockexp USA: dʌ'd stɔ'k UK: dʌd stɔk
dudenoun USA: duː'd UK: djuːd
dudgeonnoun USA: dʌ'ʤʌ·n UK: dʌʤən
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