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Batman AO

Hungarian-English open and publicly listed dictionary
I am anonymous user in this dictionary
Administrator of the dictionary: holyraign
Reverse dictionary: Batman AO
0 Words
0 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
More power to you!undef
pleased to meet youundef
That doesn't regard you.undef
That's just like you.undef
That's nothing to you.undef
What's gotten into you?undef
What's wrong with you?undef
Which doctor attended you?undef
Can I give you a hand?undef
He can tell you a thing or two about it.undef
I can tell you a thing or two about it.undef
I must tell you about it to get it off my chest.undef
A fine friend you are!undef
What a sight you are.undef
Didn't I tell you before?undef
It's so quiet you could hear a pin drop.undef
May I trouble you for ...undef
May I trouble you for a match?undef
Why should I (you, he ...).undef
What line are you in?undef
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