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Magyar-Belarusz szótár

Hungarian-Belarusian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: inna917
Reverse dictionary: Belarusz-Magyar szótár
0 Words
0 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
in bad styleundef
in bad tasteundef
from bad to worseundef
A bad workman blames his tools.undef
a bad write-upundef
bid {badeundef
He's badly off.undef
I'm badly off.undef
Not half bad!undef
have a bad coldundef
streak of bad luckundef
streaks of bad luckundef
They're a bad match.undef
strike a bad patchundef
She's a bad sailor.undef
He's in bad shape.undef
be in bad temperundef
in a bad temperundef
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