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German-Hungarian extra dictionary

German-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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14117 Words
15051 Translations
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0 Expressions
matches in the
seenoun USA: siː' UK: siː
seev USA: siː' UK: siː
see aboutv trans v USA: siː' ʌ·baʊ't UK: siː əbaʊt
see acrossv USA: siː' ʌ·krɔː's UK: siː əkrɔs
see afterv trans v USA: siː' æ'ftəː· UK: siː ɑftər
see alsoexp USA: siː' ɔː'lsoʊ· UK: siː ɔːlsoʊ
see / be -ing sbexp
see downv trans v USA: siː' daʊ'n UK: siː daʊn
see homeexp USA: siː' hoʊ'm UK: siː hoʊm
see / i - .exp USA: siː' aɪ' UK: siː aɪ
see inv trans v USA: siː' ɪ'n UK: siː ɪn
see intov trans v USA: siː' ɪ"ntʌ· UK: siː ɪntuː
see lifeexp USA: siː' laɪ'f UK: siː laɪf
see offv trans v USA: siː' ɔː'f UK: siː ɔf
see outv trans v USA: siː' aʊ't UK: siː aʊt
see reasonexp USA: siː' riː'zʌ·n UK: siː riːzən
see redexp USA: siː' re'd UK: siː red
seednoun USA: siː'd UK: siːd
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