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German-English simple dictionary

German-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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95146 Words
147234 Translations
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matches in the
baritonenoun USA: be'rʌ·toʊ"n UK: bærɪtoʊn
bariumnoun USA: be'riː·ʌ·m UK: beərɪəm
barknoun USA: bɔ'rk UK: bɑk
barknoun USA: bɔ'rk UK: bɑk
  1. literary
barknoun USA: bɔ'rk UK: bɑk
barkv trans v USA: bɔ'rk UK: bɑk
barkv trans v USA: bɔ'rk UK: bɑk
barkv intrans v USA: bɔ'rk UK: bɑk
barkeepernoun UK: bɑkiːpə
barkernoun USA: bɔ'rkəː· UK: bɑkər
  1. slang humor
barkingnoun USA: bɔ'rkɪ·ŋ UK: bɑkɪŋ
barleynoun USA: bɔ'rliː· UK: bɑliː
barley!exp USA: bɔ'rliː· UK: bɑliː
barleycornnoun UK: bɑlɪkɔːn
barmnoun UK: bɑm
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