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English-Hungarian dictionary

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English dictionary
93206 Words
208926 Translations
3026 Examples
340 Expressions
speednoun USA: spiː'd UK: spiːd
speedv intrans v USA: spiː'd UK: spiːd
  1. literary old
speed boatnoun USA: spiː'd boʊ't UK: spiːd boʊt
speed bumpnoun USA: spiː'd bʌ'mp UK: spiːd bʌmp
speed the parting guestexp USA: spiː'd ðiː· pɔ'rtɪ·ŋ ge'st UK: spiːd ðiː pɑtɪŋ gest
speed upv USA: spiː'd ʌ'p UK: spiːd ʌp
speed-boatnoun USA: spiː'dboʊ"t UK: spiːdboʊt
speededadj USA: spiː'dʌ·d UK: spiːdɪd
speedilyadv USA: spiː'dʌ·liː· UK: spiːdɪliː
speedily concluded marriageexp USA: spiː'dʌ·liː· kʌ·nkluː'dʌ·d me'rɪ·ʤ UK: spiːdɪliː kənkluːdɪd mærɪʤ
speedinessnoun UK: spiːdɪnəs
speedingnoun USA: spiː'dɪ·ŋ UK: spiːdɪŋ
speeding upexp USA: spiː'dɪ·ŋ ʌ'p UK: spiːdɪŋ ʌp
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