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English-German simple dictionary

English-German open and publicly listed dictionary
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matches in the
schedulev trans v USA: ske'ʤuː·l UK: ʃedjuːl
  1. US
    1. The schedule includes all inland train services.
        1. A menetrend tartalmazza az összes belföldi járatot.
schedule / run on -exp USA: ske'ʤuː·l rʌ'n ɔ'n UK: ʃedjuːl rʌn ɔn
scheduledadj USA: ske'ʤuː·ld UK: ʃedjuːld
scheduled flightexp USA: ske'ʤuː·ld flaɪ't UK: ʃedjuːld flaɪt
scheduled monumentexp USA: ske'ʤuː·ld mɔ'nyʌ·mʌ·nt UK: ʃedjuːld mɔnjʊmənt
schedulernoun USA: ske'dʤuː·ləː· UK: ʃedjuːlər
schemanoun UK: skiːmə
schematicadj USA: skʌ·mæ'tɪ·k UK: skɪmætɪk
schematicallyadv UK: skɪmætɪkliː
schemev intrans v USA: skiː'm UK: skiːm
schemev trans v USA: skiː'm UK: skiːm
schemernoun USA: skiː'məː· UK: skiːmər
schemingnoun USA: skiː'mɪ·ŋ UK: skiːmɪŋ
schemingadj USA: skiː'mɪ·ŋ UK: skiːmɪŋ
schismnoun USA: skɪ'zʌ·m UK: skɪzəm
schismaticnoun UK: skɪzmætɪk
schismaticaladj UK: sɪzmætɪkəl
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