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Missa88 Tudástára

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Missa88 Tudástára
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matches in the
frontlinenoun USA: frʌ'ntlaɪ"n UK: frʌntlaɪn
front-lineadj USA: frʌ'ntlaɪ"n UK: frʌntlaɪn
front-wheel driveexp
frostnoun USA: frɔː'st UK: frɔst
frostv trans v USA: frɔː'st UK: frɔst
frost damageexp USA: frɔː'st dæ'mʌ·ʤ UK: frɔst dæmɪʤ
frost-bitenoun USA: frɔː'stbaɪ"t UK: frɔstbaɪt
frostbitenoun USA: frɔː'stbaɪ"t UK: frɔstbaɪt
frost-bittenadj USA: frɔː'stbɪ"tʌ·n UK: frɔstbɪtn
frosted glassexp USA: frɔː'stʌ·d glæ's UK: frɔstɪd glɑs
frostinessnoun UK: frɔstɪnəs
frostingnoun USA: frɔː'stɪ·ŋ UK: frɔstɪŋ
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