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Batman AO

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Reverse dictionary: Batman AO
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pricev trans v USA: praɪ's UK: praɪs
price currentnoun USA: praɪ's kɔ'rʌ·nt UK: praɪs kʌrənt
price cutnoun USA: praɪ's kʌ't UK: praɪs kʌt
price of admissionnoun USA: praɪ's ʌ·v ʌ·dmɪ'ʃʌ·n UK: praɪs ɔv ədmɪʃn
price of roomexp USA: praɪ's ʌ·v ruː'm UK: praɪs ɔv ruːm
price scheduleexp USA: praɪ's ske'ʤuː·l UK: praɪs ʃedjuːl
price scheduleexp USA: praɪ's ske'ʤuː·l UK: praɪs ʃedjuːl
price tagnoun USA: praɪ's tæ'g UK: praɪs tæg
pricedadj USA: praɪ'st UK: praɪst
pricelessadj USA: praɪ'slʌ·s UK: praɪsləs
pricelesslyadv UK: praɪslezslaɪ
price-listnoun UK: praɪslɪst
prices are coming downexp USA: praɪ'sʌ·z əː· kʌ'mɪ·ŋ daʊ'n UK: praɪsɪz ɑr kʌmɪŋ daʊn
prices are upexp USA: praɪ'sʌ·z əː· ʌ'p UK: praɪsɪz ɑr ʌp
prickv intrans v USA: prɪ'k UK: prɪk
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