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English-Albanian Dictionary

English-Albanian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Albanian-English Dictionary
29 Words
30 Translations
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0 Expressions
matches in the
i expect him any minuteexp USA: aɪ' ɪ·kspe'kt ɪ"m e'niː· maɪ·nyuː't UK: aɪ ɪkspekt hɪm eniː mɪnɪt
in a minuteexp USA: ɪ'n eɪ' maɪ·nyuː't UK: ɪn eɪ mɪnɪt
minute / in a -exp USA: maɪ·nyuː't ɪ'n eɪ' UK: mɪnɪt ɪn eɪ
in five minutesexp USA: ɪ'n faɪ'v mɪ'nʌ·ts UK: ɪn faɪv mɪnɪts
get into mischiefexp USA: gɪ't ɪ"ntʌ· mɪ'stʃʌ·f UK: get ɪntuː mɪstʃɪf
he missed itexp USA: hiː' mɪ'st ʌ·t UK: hiː mɪst ɪt
m.i.a. (missing in action)exp USA: miː'ʌ· mɪ'sɪ·ŋ ɪ'n æ'kʃʌ·n
mission in lifeexp USA: mɪ'ʃʌ·n ɪ'n laɪ'f UK: mɪʃn ɪn laɪf
mistaken identityexp USA: mɪ"steɪ'kʌ·n aɪ·de'nʌ·tiː· UK: mɪsteɪkn aɪdentɪtiː
bless / mixed -ingexp USA: ble's mɪ'kst ɪ'ŋ
cast in a heroic moldexp USA: kæ'st ɪ'n eɪ' hɪ·roʊ'ɪ·k moʊ'ld UK: kɑst ɪn eɪ hɪroʊɪk moʊld
in an evil momentexp USA: ɪ'n ʌ·n iː'vʌ·l moʊ'mʌ·nt UK: ɪn ən iːvl moʊmənt
in a momentexp USA: ɪ'n eɪ' moʊ'mʌ·nt UK: ɪn eɪ moʊmənt
money melts in his handsexp USA: mʌ'niː· me'lts ɪ'n hʌ·z hæ'nz UK: mʌniː melts ɪn hɪz hændz
come into moneyexp USA: kʌ'm ɪ"ntʌ· mʌ'niː· UK: kʌm ɪntuː mʌniː
answer in monosyllablesexp UK: ɑnsər ɪn mɔnəsɪləblz
monumental ignoranceexp USA: mɔ"nyʌ·me'nʌ·l ɪ'gnəː·ʌ·ns UK: mɔnjʊmentl ɪgnərəns
in a festive moodexp USA: ɪ'n eɪ' fe'stɪ·v muː'd UK: ɪn eɪ festɪv muːd
be in good moodv USA: biː· ɪ'n gʌ·d muː'd UK: biː ɪn gʊd muːd
moral insanityexp USA: mɔː'rʌ·l ɪ"nsæ'nʌ·tiː· UK: mɔrəl ɪnsænɪtiː
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