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Chinese-Hungarian dictionary

Chinese-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-Chinese dictionary
18613 Words
33182 Translations
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matches in the
blitzkriegadj USA: blɪ'tskriː"g UK: blɪtskriːg
blizzardnoun USA: blɪ'zəː·d UK: blɪzəd
bloatv trans v USA: bloʊ't UK: bloʊt
bloatv intrans v USA: bloʊ't UK: bloʊt
bloatv trans v USA: bloʊ't UK: bloʊt
bloatedadj USA: bloʊ'tʌ·d UK: bloʊtɪd
bloaternoun UK: bloʊtər
blobnoun USA: blɔ'b UK: blɔb
blobv intrans v USA: blɔ'b UK: blɔb
blobbyadj USA: blɔ'biː· UK: blɔbiː
block.noun USA: blɔ'k UK: blɔk
block boundaryexp USA: blɔ'k baʊ'ndriː· UK: blɔk baʊndriː
block calendarnoun USA: blɔ'k kæ'lʌ·ndəː· UK: blɔk kælɪndər
block calendarexp USA: blɔ'k kæ'lʌ·ndəː· UK: blɔk kælɪndər
block diagramnoun USA: blɔ'k daɪ'ʌ·græ"m UK: blɔk daɪəgræm
blockadenoun USA: blɔ"keɪ'd UK: blɔkeɪd
blockadev trans v USA: blɔ"keɪ'd UK: blɔkeɪd
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