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Chinese-Hungarian dictionary

Chinese-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-Chinese dictionary
18613 Words
33182 Translations
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matches in the
r Fehlschlussnoun
r Fehlschussnoun
  1. figurative
r Fehlschussnoun
e Feiernoun 'faɪɐ
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Feiern
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Feier
r Feierabendnoun
  1. vendéglői
e Feierlichkeitnoun 'faɪɐlɪçkaɪt
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Feierlichkeiten
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Feierlichkeit
feiernv trans v 'faɪɐn
feiernv intrans v 'faɪɐn
r Feiertagnoun
feigadj 'faɪk
r Feigenbaumnoun
s Feigenblattnoun
e Feigheitnoun 'faɪkhaɪt
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Feigheit
r Feiglingnoun 'faɪklɪŋ
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Feiglinge
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Feiglings
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