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Albanian-Hungarian Dictionary

Albanian-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: Etleva
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-Albanian Dictionary
268 Words
321 Translations
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matches in the
because of youexp USA: bɪ·kʌ'z ʌ·v yuː' UK: bɪkɔz ɔv juː
dare / how - you?exp USA: de'r haʊ' yuː' UK: deər haʊ juː
do / what - you - ?exp USA: duː' hwʌ't yuː' UK: duː wɔt juː
even / not - you?exp USA: iː'vʌ·n nɔ't yuː' UK: iːvn nɔt juː
fie upon you!exp UK: faɪ əpɔn juː
god bless you!exp USA: gɔ'd ble's yuː' UK: gɔd bles juː
god speed you!exp USA: gɔ'd spiː'd yuː' UK: gɔd spiːd juː
good for youexp USA: gʌ·d frəː· yuː' UK: gʊd fəː juː
good for you!exp USA: gʌ·d frəː· yuː' UK: gʊd fəː juː
here's to you!exp UK: hɪəz tuː juː
here's to youexp UK: hɪəz tuː juː
how are youexp USA: haʊ' əː· yuː' UK: haʊ ɑr juː
how are you?exp USA: haʊ' əː· yuː' UK: haʊ ɑr juː
how dare you?exp USA: haʊ' de'r yuː' UK: haʊ deər juː
i bet youexp USA: aɪ' be't yuː' UK: aɪ bet juː
i like youexp USA: aɪ' laɪ'k yuː' UK: aɪ laɪk juː
i'll fix you!exp USA: ɪ'l fɪ'ks yuː' UK: ɪl fɪks juː
i'll lay youexp USA: ɪ'l leɪ' yuː' UK: ɪl leɪ juː
i love youexp USA: aɪ' lʌ'v yuː' UK: aɪ lʌv juː
i miss youexp USA: aɪ' mɪ's yuː' UK: aɪ mɪs juː
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