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Albanian-English Dictionary

Albanian-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: Etleva
Reverse dictionary: English-Albanian Dictionary
28 Words
30 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
portion of inheritancenoun USA: pɔː'rʃʌ·n ʌ·v ɪ"nhe'rʌ·tʌ·ns UK: pɔːʃn ɔv ɪnherɪtəns
portion outv USA: pɔː'rʃʌ·n aʊ't UK: pɔːʃn aʊt
portionlessadj UK: pɔːʃnles
portionsnoun USA: pɔː'rʃʌ·nz UK: pɔːʃnz
portlinessnoun UK: pɔːtlɪnəs
portlyadj USA: pɔː'rtliː· UK: pɔːtliː
portmanteau wordexp UK: pɔːtmæntoʊ wəːd
portmanteausnoun UK: pɔːtmæntoʊz
portmanteauxnoun UK: pɔːtmæntoʊz
portraitnoun USA: pɔː'rtrʌ·t UK: pɔːtrɪt
portraitistnoun UK: pɔːtrɪtɪst
portraiturenoun UK: pɔːtreɪtʃər
portrayv trans v USA: pɔː·rtreɪ' UK: pɔːtreɪ
  1. literary
    1. figurative
    2. theatre
portrayalnoun USA: pɔː·rtreɪ'ʌ·l UK: pɔːtreɪəl
portrayernoun UK: pɔːtreɪə
portugalnoun USA: pɔː'rtʃʌ·gʌ·l UK: pɔːtʃʊgl
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