matches in the
tailorv trans v USA: teɪ'ləː· UK: teɪlər
tailor seatnoun USA: teɪ'ləː· siː't UK: teɪlər siːt
tailoressnoun UK: teɪləes
tailoringnoun USA: teɪ'ləː·ɪ·ŋ UK: teɪlərɪŋ
tailoring processexp USA: teɪ'ləː·ɪ·ŋ prɔ'se"s UK: teɪlərɪŋ proʊses
tail-piecenoun UK: teɪlpiːs
tailpipenoun USA: teɪ'lpaɪ"p UK: teɪlpaɪp
tailsnoun USA: teɪ'lz UK: teɪlz
tailspinnoun USA: teɪ'lspɪ"n UK: teɪlspɪn
tail-spinnoun USA: teɪ'lspɪ"n UK: teɪlspɪn
tail-windnoun UK: teɪlwɪnd
taintv intrans v USA: teɪ'nt UK: teɪnt
taintv trans v USA: teɪ'nt UK: teɪnt
taintedadj USA: teɪ'ntʌ·d UK: teɪntɪd
taintlessadj UK: teɪntləs
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