matches in the
take sg out of pawnv
take shapeexp USA: teɪ'k ʃeɪ'p UK: teɪk ʃeɪp
take short cut somewherev USA: teɪ'k ʃɔː'rt kʌ't sʌ'mhwe"r UK: teɪk ʃɔːt kʌt sʌmweər
take shorthandexp USA: teɪ'k ʃɔː'rthæ"nd UK: teɪk ʃɔːthænd
take sickiesv UK: teɪk sɪkɪz
take sidesexp USA: teɪ'k saɪ'dz UK: teɪk saɪdz
take some!exp USA: teɪ'k sʌ'm UK: teɪk sʌm
take stepsexp USA: teɪ'k ste'ps UK: teɪk steps
take sth apartexp
take sth offexp
take sth off sthexp
take sth out of sthexp
take stockexp USA: teɪ'k stɔ'k UK: teɪk stɔk
take stock ofv USA: teɪ'k stɔ'k ʌ·v UK: teɪk stɔk ɔv
take sy asidev USA: teɪ'k saɪ' ʌ·saɪ'd
take sy down a pegv USA: teɪ'k saɪ' daʊ'n eɪ' pe'g
take sy for a ridev USA: teɪ'k saɪ' frəː· eɪ' raɪ'd
take sy in chargev USA: teɪ'k saɪ' ɪ'n tʃɔ'rʤ
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