matches in the
take me!exp USA: teɪ'k miː' UK: teɪk miː
take me awayexp USA: teɪ'k miː' ʌ·weɪ' UK: teɪk miː əweɪ
take measureexp USA: teɪ'k me'ʒəː· UK: teɪk meʒər
take measuresv USA: teɪ'k me'ʒəː·z UK: teɪk meʒəz
take no count ofexp USA: teɪ'k noʊ' kaʊ'nt ʌ·v UK: teɪk noʊ kaʊnt ɔv
take no notice ofv USA: teɪ'k noʊ' noʊ'tʌ·s ʌ·v UK: teɪk noʊ noʊtɪs ɔv
take no stock inexp USA: teɪ'k noʊ' stɔ'k ɪ'n UK: teɪk noʊ stɔk ɪn
take no stock in syv USA: teɪ'k noʊ' stɔ'k ɪ'n saɪ'
take notev USA: teɪ'k noʊ't UK: teɪk noʊt
take note of sgexp
take note of sgv
take notesv USA: teɪ'k noʊ'ts UK: teɪk noʊts
take notice (of)v USA: teɪ'k noʊ'tʌ·s ʌ·v UK: teɪk noʊtɪs ɔv
take notice ofv USA: teɪ'k noʊ'tʌ·s ʌ·v UK: teɪk noʊtɪs ɔv
take offv intrans v USA: teɪ'k ɔː'f UK: teɪk ɔf
take off one's clothesv USA: teɪ'k ɔː'f wʌ'nz kloʊ'z UK: teɪk ɔf wʌnz kloʊðz
take offence at sgv
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