matches in the
take for grantedv USA: teɪ'k frəː· græ'nʌ·d UK: teɪk fəː grɑntɪd
take for sthexp
take fromv intrans v USA: teɪ'k fəː·m UK: teɪk frɔm
take handexp USA: teɪ'k hæ'nd UK: teɪk hænd
take heartv USA: teɪ'k hɔ'rt UK: teɪk hɑt
take hold ofexp USA: teɪ'k hoʊ'ld ʌ·v UK: teɪk hoʊld ɔv
take homeexp USA: teɪ'k hoʊ'm UK: teɪk hoʊm
take homev USA: teɪ'k hoʊ'm UK: teɪk hoʊm
take / i - itexp USA: teɪ'k aɪ' ʌ·t UK: teɪk aɪ ɪt
take inv intrans v USA: teɪ'k ɪ'n UK: teɪk ɪn
take in accountv USA: teɪ'k ɪ'n ʌ·kaʊ'nt UK: teɪk ɪn əkaʊnt
take in boardersexp USA: teɪ'k ɪ'n bɔː'rdəː·z UK: teɪk ɪn bɔːdəz
take in handexp USA: teɪ'k ɪ'n hæ'nd UK: teɪk ɪn hænd
take in lodgersexp UK: teɪk ɪn lɔʤəz
take in (money)exp USA: teɪ'k ɪ'n mʌ'niː· UK: teɪk ɪn mʌniː
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