matches in the
keep leftexp USA: kiː'p le'ft UK: kiːp left
keeper's cubiclenoun USA: kiː'pəː·z kyuː'bɪ·kʌ·l UK: kiːpəz kjuːbɪkl
keeper's cubicleexp USA: kiː'pəː·z kyuː'bɪ·kʌ·l UK: kiːpəz kjuːbɪkl
keepingnoun USA: kiː'pɪ·ŋ UK: kiːpɪŋ
keeps / it's for -exp USA: kiː'ps ʌ·ts frəː· UK: kiːps ɪts fəː
keepsakenoun USA: kiː'pseɪ"k UK: kiːpseɪk
kegnoun USA: ke'g UK: keg
keisternoun USA: kiː'ʌ·stəː·
kellynoun USA: ke'liː·
kelpnoun USA: ke'lp UK: kelp
kempnoun USA: ke'mp UK: kemp
kenv USA: ke'n UK: ken
kennelnoun USA: ke'nʌ·l UK: kenl
kenyanoun USA: kiː'nyʌ· UK: kenjə
kenyanadj USA: kiː'nyʌ·n UK: kenjən
keptadj USA: kæ'pt UK: kept
keratinnoun USA: ke'rʌ·tɪ"n
kerbnoun USA: kəː'b UK: kəːb
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